🌟 Patent of the Week: Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Is Around The Corner
UC Berkeley Research Team Develops Revolutionary Sensor That Enables Continuous Blood Pressure Tracking
What’s the Big Idea?
Even though the patent page is a bit high level, the underlying technology and the approach is pretty fascinating. This patent, still pending but with lots of research backing it, stands to introduce a new embeddable micro pressure sensor that can detect diastolic (not systolic yet) blood pressure continuously without the need for a blood pressure cuff. They have basically tested the potential for embedding a small sensor near an artery to measure blood pressure under your skin. Continuous blood pressure monitoring is one of the next big goals for the entire field of health tech companies and the approach taken by the research team at UC Berkeley is quite novel.
Why It Matters
Over 1.23 billion people on the planet are diagnosed with hypertension according to WHO (World Health Organization). To top it off, 46% of adults are suspected of having hypertension without being properly diagnosed. This is a massive problem because untreated, hypertension is known as the “silent killer” that often leads to serious heart disases and conditions. The potential for being able to continuously measure blood pressure using an embedded device would be a game changer since the standard measurement option at the moment is an intermittent blood pressure cuff measurement that the patient is supposed to do regularly.
Stage of Development
This technology is currently under a patent pending status and showcases a promising avenue for personal health monitoring devices. It represents a significant step forward in preventive healthcare technologies.
For more details or to engage in discussions about licensing this technology, please contact the UC Berkeley commercialization office or reach out directly to Terri Sale via email at terri.sale@berkeley.edu.
The Details
Patent Status: Patent Pending
Inventors: Led by Dr. Liwei Lin
Patent Page: UC Berkeley’s Patent Page
🎨 About the artist
Nikolai Lutohin, a Yugoslavian artist known for his futuristic cityscapes and landscapes.