It’s been a fun ride writing about IP licensing over the past 6 months but it’s time for me to shake up the format and explore new questions that I’ve been stewing on for the past while. I still feel strongly about the need for us to get more ideas from the lab and into the real world but I also don’t want to exclusively focus on this topic moving forward.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect if you stick around:
Short pieces tackling questions related to tech & society
Commentary about the state of innovation
Thought pieces from my experience in building with AI
Reflections on building startups in Canada
Founder advice and thought pieces on building startups
More cool sci-fi art
Patent of the Week will be paused for now, and I hope all the articles I shared about ways to find patents will be helpful. I will be committed to writing on a monthly basis at a minimum but might veer into bi-weekly depending on how busy life gets.
About the artist
S. Lefterev, a Soviet artist that drew this image for the article ‘Morning in the “Astrocity”’, depicting a futuristic scenario of space transportation within a cosmodrome.